1. Open the existing section
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit and click Customize.
Click the Text list section.
2. Add a Text list section to your home page
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit and click Customize.
Click Add section > Text list > Add.
Use the settings to customize your Text list section.
Click Save.
3. Settings
Enable: turn on/off the background.
Pick a color: choose a color to set the background color. If the background is empty, the background color will be displayed.
Background image: pick or upload your image to display it as the background image.
Background size: set the size of the background image.
Background style: set the style of the background image.
Section gutters
Enable top gutter: turn on/off the space distance on the top of the section.
Enable bottom gutter: turn on/off the space distance on the bottom of the section.
General settings
Show the text in uppercase format: display all characters in the uppercase format.
Wide display: turn on/off displaying the section in the wider layout(still keep the gutter on the left and right).
Hide this section on the mobile screen: not show the section on the mobile screen.
Separated line

Enable: show/hide the line between text list items.

Configure colors for title, subtitle, and icon.
Font sizes

Configure the font sizes for the title, icon on the desktop, tablet, and mobile screens.
The font size of the subtitle will be calculated based on the title's font size.
4. Add/Edit/Remove a text item
Scroll down to the bottom, you will see an Add text item button, click this button to add a new text item. Or you can click one of the available items to edit/remove it and drag/drop items to rearrange them.

Text item settings:
Icon Class: add the icon HTML class. You can go to this page and copy the HTML class of an icon you want to add, then paste it into this setting.
Title: add your text to display it as a title.
Subtitle: add your text to display it as a subtitle.
Background color: set an item's own background.
Enable: turn on/off the background color.
Pick a color: choose a color for the background.
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