3.1. General settings
Title: add your text to show it as the menu item's title.
Item link: add URL for the menu item.
Icon class: add the HTML icon class to show the icon. You can refer to https://boostheme.com/shopmall/icons to copy the icon class.
3.2. Text color
Set color for the text in the top level.
3.3. Label settings
Add your label, set the color and background for it.
3.4. For developer
Add custom HTML class for the item.
3.5. Dropdown's general settings
Adjust the width of the item's dropdown.
3.6. Dropdown columns settings
Depend on the menu item type you added, the number of columns in the dropdown is from 0 to 6. A column is a child item in the dropdown This guide shows you the settings in a column.
Column's width: adjust the width of the column. By default, the dropdown is always separated into the same 12 cols like Bootstrap's layout. You can adjust the width of the child item by changing the number of cols.
Column title: add your text to display it as the title of the child item.
Link list: pick a link list to display in the child item's content.
Label text color: set color labels that are shown in the link list. Please refer to this guide for adding labels to a link list.
Label background color: set color labels that are shown in the link list.
Pick a product: pick a product to display in the child item's content.
Pick an image: pick or upload an image to display in the child item's content.
The link for the image: set URL for the image.
Open the link in a new tab: turn on/off opening in a new tab when customers click the image.
Add your HTML: add your custom HTML to display in the child item's content.
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